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Writer's pictureAmanda O'Brien

Dating Burnout: 10 Ways to Regain Hope and Confidence in Your Love Life

Updated: Aug 19

You've been single for a while. 

You miss the connection.

Having someone to explore your city with.

You just want to be told you’re pretty and wake up to cute good morning texts for goodness sake!

The more you date, the more you get fed up. Dating is hard, and if you go out with one more person who committed false advertising, who "isn't looking for something serious," or is 30 year old frat boy who won't retire his party-boy antics, you're just about ready to give up!

As a therapist who has had a lot of conversations about modern day dating, I've come to realize that sometimes one gets so fed up with what's not working, that it clouds any possibility for a hopeful romantic future.

Hopelessness starts seeping in. Negative self-talk starts popping up.

“Am I unlovable?”

“What's wrong with me?"

“Am I going to be forever alone?”

“I should have stayed with ____ because apparently I’ll never find someone else.” 

single girl at home drinking wine waiting by phone scrolling on dating apps

And what happens when we begin to feel hopeless? We develop a sense of frustration that follows us everywhere we go. We become disenfranchised, deflated, over it, angry, bitter, exhausted. Rightfully so. And yet, if we pack these feelings with us and carry them around, we unknowingly can get in the way of perfectly great connections, just waiting to be explored. Energy is real, and people can sense it when the person they are out with has hit dating burnout.

Do you feel you are on the brink of falling victim to dating fatigue? Check out tips on navigating this below!

If you need additional resources to support you in building confidence, exploring unhealthy relational patterns, and up-leveling your self-esteem, feel free to explore my therapeutic services here.

Tips for Navigating Dating Challenges and Staying Motivated in Your Pursuit of a Compatible Romantic Connection

Set Realistic Expectations

Understand that finding the right person takes time. Not every date will lead to a romantic connection, and that’s okay! Enjoy the process of meeting new people and see dating as opportunity to experience new people/places/things, rather than pressuring yourself to find "the one" immediately.

Focus on Self-Growth

Use dating as an opportunity to learn more about yourself. Each experience, whether good or bad, can teach you something valuable about what you want and need in a relationship. The more you know yourself, the more you you are able to determine compatibility with a potential partner.

Celebrate Small Wins

Instead of focusing on the end goal, celebrate the small successes along the way. Is there something you learned about yourself, or your needs/preferences while out on a date with this person? Did you challenge yourself in any way by meeting up with a new face? Did you at least have the opportunity to get dressed up and cut the tags off of that new dress in your closet? 

Take Breaks When Needed

Dating burnout is real! When you find yourself getting fed up, take some space. Spend time with friends, pursue hobbies, and focus on self-care. This will help you recharge and approach dating with a fresh perspective.

delete dating app tinder off of iphone to take a break from dating

Stay Open-Minded

Sometimes, we get stuck in patterns of dating the same type of person or expecting a certain outcome. Maybe you are dead set on dating your typical type, or there are certain qualities you’ve determined are non-negotiables. Standards are important-don’t abandon them-but, staying open-minded can help you explore different possibilities and meet people who might surprise you.

Build a Support System

Talk to friends, family, or a therapist about your experiences-I am sure that someone in your life understands what it’s like to want lasting love. They can provide encouragement, perspective, and remind you that you're not alone in your feelings. Having your people to confide in is so important. If you find that you need more support, feel free to reach out to a therapist. Having a non-biased support with clinical training can be a game-changer. Therapy can improve your dating life by enhancing self-awareness, communication, confidence, and helping you heal from past wounds.

girl friends hanging out in a field of flowers laughing and supporting each other

Practice Patience

Connections take time to develop. Rushing the process or getting discouraged too soon can lead to unnecessary frustration. Trust that things will work out in their own time-let things build at the pace you need. Set boundaries-with your time, personal space, emotions-the right person will be willing to match your pace.

Avoid Comparing Yourself to Others

It’s easy to compare your dating life to others, especially with social media constantly advertising new relationships, marriages, babies, and milestones. Remember that everyone’s journey is unique, and what you see online is often just the highlight reel. Every relationship has it’s own challenges, and comparing yourself to people’s picture perfect nature is only going to make you feel bad. 

Keep a Balanced Perspective

Remind yourself that your worth isn't tied to your relationship status. Focus on building a life that you love, with or without a partner. Do the things you enjoy, spend time with people that build you up, discover new passions. Invest in multiple areas of your life. Balance is important because it helps maintain harmony and well-being in various aspects of life. It ensures that different needs—like work, relationships, health, and personal growth—are met.

Learn to Embrace Rejection

Rejection is going to happen- we can’t be every single person’s cup of tea! Try to recognize that, and reframe rejection as a gift that is pushing you forward towards what is better suited for you. Rejection means you are spending less time in dead ends, and more time moving towards what is meant for you. If you need support in working through the pain of rejection, it can be helpful to process this in therapy.

Processing rejection in therapy is helpful because it allows you to understand and manage the emotions it triggers, such as hurt, anger, or self-doubt. Therapy provides a safe space to explore the impact of rejection on your self-esteem and to challenge any negative beliefs it may reinforce. By working through these feelings with a therapist, you can gain perspective, build resilience, and develop healthier coping strategies, which can prevent rejection from negatively affecting your future relationships and overall well-being. If you are looking for support with this, feel free to reach out.

bad date, young finance bro ignores girl on phone

If you find that you internalize the challenges of dating and that it’s chipping away at your self-esteem date by date, please feel free to reach out for a complimentary therapy consultation. I support women in up-leveling their self-worth, and am confident that I can support you in adopting a healthier mindset-about yourself and your romantic life.

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